Who we are

Guilford Cares is a non-profit residents’ organization in Guilford, Vermont. We provide a personal caring safety net of free services and programs to the community with a focus on older residents.

We sustain this mission with the help of volunteers, contributions and town support. If you, a family member or neighbor need assistance, we are just a phone call away.

Guilford Cares Board of Directors:

  • Anne Montgomery, President

  • Richard Griffith, Vice President & Treasurer

  • Mea Whitworth, Secretary

  • Pat Haine, Director of Food Pantry

  • Barb Borek

  • Sandy Lynn

  • Ryan Murphy

  • Janet Kight Porter

  • Shirley S. Squires

  • Catherine Vargas

  • Roger Wilken

Don't hesitate to contact our Executive Director, Leah Gessner if you want to bring an issue to the board or attend a meeting. We welcome new board members, if you are interested in being on the Guilford Cares Board please email guilfordcaresvt@gmail.com