Who we are
Guilford Cares is a non-profit residents’ organization in Guilford, Vermont. We provide a personal caring safety net of free services and programs to the community with a focus on older residents.
We sustain this mission with the help of volunteers, contributions and town support. If you, a family member or neighbor need assistance, we are just a phone call away.
Guilford Cares Board of Directors:
Anne Montgomery, President
Richard Griffith, Vice President & Treasurer
Mea Whitworth, Secretary
Pat Haine, Director of Food Pantry
Barb Borek
Sandy Lynn
Ryan Murphy
Janet Kight Porter
Shirley S. Squires
Catherine Vargas
Roger Wilken
Don't hesitate to contact our Executive Director, Leah Gessner if you want to bring an issue to the board or attend a meeting. We welcome new board members, if you are interested in being on the Guilford Cares Board please email guilfordcaresvt@gmail.com